Triple E is dedicated in sourcing social and economic services like health, education, language, culture and social programs that are vital to progressive improvement and adjustment of Immigrants and Refugees to American society.
As the Immigrants and Refugees shed the old attributes and acquire the new, they acquire skills for working positively and effectively, a process that may not be completed until the second or third generation after entry.
Although skilled immigrants have years of experience in their respective fields, most of them do not have experience working in the United States. Being unfamiliar with common workplace lingo and terminologies could slow down their career progress, but there are many ways to overcome this gap.
In addition to language and communication development, the process of highlighting their relevant skills and marketing themselves effectively is also important in getting hired. Enrolling and receiving Vocational Training for a course in medical terminology could help them enter that job market.
Immigrants need a guiding hand, and who better to give this responsibility to than those who speak their language and understand their culture Housing Resources Immigrants play an increasingly significant role in our communities — the dream of securing and maintaining adequate and affordable housing is out of reach, causing them to face systemic barriers. Often, immigrants rely upon family members and word of mouth and information for accommodations upon arrival. Triple E will form partnerships to explore not only what barriers exist, but also what resources and community engagement strategies that are needed to remedy their housing challenges and place them in communities where they can thrive and become productive.
As a refugee without the needed skills or education for a profession, finding a job can be a struggle. Where some refugees had degrees and occupations as engineers, doctors, and educators in their home country, coming to the United States they are unable to easily have the same status. Others find it tough being able to communicate in English while on the job.
It also is not an easy process to be able to enter the country, learn English, secure a job and try to work your way up the professional ladder as this can cause great frustration.
Accessing free medical & mental health facilities is vital to the physical and emotional stability of the immigrant community.
Many times, refugees and immigrants have been exposed to violence, rape, even torture- but they may not know how to seek help. Furthermore, mental health issues are taboo in many cultures, creating an additional barrier for those in need.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — When News 8 first introduced you to Liberian immigrant John Waller, the professional soccer player journeyed home for the first time since his adoption 16 years ago to help make a difference in the country where he grew up.
He managed to feed hundreds of orphans as well as provide school supplies and soccer equipment to many of them. To understand what drives Waller to do this, often with money out of his own pocket, you would have to meet the woman who helped him and gave him a chance of his own.
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