riple E is a Team of Empowered Individuals who are determined and driven to assist the Immigrant & Refugee Communities to obtain resources, strategic solutions, intervention programs, to facilitate integration and sustainable development in the United States of America.

To better understand the dynamics of our Immigrant & Refugee communities, Triple E has engaged in sourcing and providing services that will Equip, Empower and Elevate the immigrant communities. These services are the springboard and foundation for our Immigrant and Refugees communities to become well established, strengthened and become productive members in their communities.

Targeted services will help mitigate challenges by:

  • Eliminating the potential barriers faced by immigrants entering the workforce.
  • Provide equipping tools that will ease their paths to building sustainable communities
  • Build bridges and tearing down Social and Economic barriers
  • Elevate formal levels of education resulting in job opportunities and less discrimination.


What Guide Us


To source and provide available resources, intervention programs and services to Immigrant and Refugee communities that will make a difference in advancement of their lives for a brighter future.


Provide hands-on and ongoing resources to immigrant communities, to facilitate their integration in the United States, and achieve their dreams and vision of stability. We will attain our vision by equipping these communities with the necessary learning tools like Vocational Training, Education, Job Search, and other services that will empower and elevate them in becoming productive.

The only way to make this happen is to take action!

We see us in them, and them in us

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